Cavity Drainage Treatments – Toner Dampproofing Supplies, supplying the industries most effective products to the DIY, public & commercial companies. Please visit Cavity Drainage Treatments, If you require further information or would like to place an order please visit our sister company website, where you can submit your query or place an order.
Are you looking for a specialist contractor to install these products? Contact us on the contact us page.
Oldroyd Membranes and Accessories
The Oldroyd range of Cavity Drainage Membranes are manufactured in Norway under an ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 quality and environmental management system. They are produced from high-strength polypropylene using a special, temperature-controlled manufacturing process. This results in an exceptionally straight, tough membrane which does not suffer from the “banana-ing” and “rucking” which cause problems when installing other cavity drainage membranes.
Multi-layer Technology
All Oldroyd membranes are produced using Oldroyd’s multi-layer technology technique which increases membrane strength and, in many cases, allows the use of 49 – 70% recycled plastic with no loss in performance.